Aaron Rodgers walking on a field.
New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers watches from the sidelines during a 2023 preseason game. | Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

Aaron Rodgers, who plays for the New York Jets on Thursday Night Football against the New England Patriots, went full conspiracy theorist earlier this year about AIDS.

Rodgers’ rant earlier this year was that AIDS was created by the U.S. government in the 1980s for reasons that have something to with COVID and with Dr. Anthony Fauci being corrupt.

Rodgers, who also plays quarterback for the Jets, was a guest on Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It” podcast in February, with comments that went largely ignored until they resurfaced on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday.

Here is what Rodgers said:

The blueprint, the game plan, was made in the ’80s. Create a pandemic with a virus that’s going wild. Only. … Fauci was given over $350 million to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed, to handle the AIDS pandemic. And all they came up with was AZT. Do even a smidge of research. I’m not an epidemiologist, I’m not a doctor, I’m not an immunologist, whatever the f—. I can read though. I can learn. I can look things up. Just like any normal person I can do my own research, which is so vilified, to even question authority. But that was the game plan back then. Create an environment where only one thing works. Back then AZT, now Remdesivir until we get a vaccine. We know Fauci has taken the Moderna vaccine and we know Pfizer is one of the most criminally corrupt ever, the fine they paid was the biggest in the history of the DOJ in 2009. What are we talking about? We’re going to put our full trust in science that can’t be questioned?

That’s all nuts and not true. AZT is not the only treatment for HIV/AIDS and has proved so successful that it’s still in use today. As for the rest, there’s no point in stating facts to a conspiracy theorist like Rodgers, but suffice it to say, AIDS was not some government plot hatched so 40 years later big pharma and Fauci could profit from another epidemic.

Sean Keeley of Awful Announcing shelled out $14.99 last month to listen to the whole three-hour podcast and the conspiracy theories he heard from Bravo and Rodgers are too bizarre to condense, so read for yourself. He came to this conclusion: “Aaron Rodgers is so much further down the rabbit hole than many of us even realize. And given all of the things he’s said on The Pat McAfee Show, not to mention what he reportedly once said about September 11, that is saying something.”

For a long time we wrote about Rodgers after he denied rumors he was gay. And later when he was critical of fans yelling homophobic chants and celebrated the coming out of a gay former teammate. That was the Rodgers who was easy to cheer for, not the guy who has fallen for wacky conspiracy theories that come across as so unhinged you wonder how it came to this.