I often wonder how much of this goes on, and how coaches guard against it happening to them. There seems to be a one-way sign outside Foxboro Stadium that points directly at the Meadowlands, because the Jets have been interviewing just about every player the Patriots have let go in the last couple weeks, the latest being receiver Reche Caldwell. Are the Jets playing mind games? Extracting information? Should the Pats be worried?

Said Patriot Mike Vrabel: “Reche barely knew our offense, so I know he doesn’t know our defense.”

baugher.jpgMeanwhile, punter Danny Baugher (right), whom the Pats released last week, has been charged with assaulting his 54-year-old father in a drunken rage in reaction to his release. Good thing his dad didn’t push him to be a boxer. -Cyd Zeigler jr.

I often wonder how much of this goes on, and how coaches guard against it happening to them. There seems to be a one-way sign outside Foxboro Stadium that points directly at the Meadowlands, because the Jets have been interviewing just about every player the Patriots have let go in the last couple weeks, the latest being receiver Reche Caldwell. Are the Jets playing mind games? Extracting information? Should the Pats be worried?

Said Patriot Mike Vrabel: “Reche barely knew our offense, so I know he doesn’t know our defense.”

baugher.jpgMeanwhile, punter Danny Baugher (right), whom the Pats released last week, has been charged with assaulting his 54-year-old father in a drunken rage in reaction to his release. Good thing his dad didn’t push him to be a boxer. -Cyd Zeigler jr.