Around the sports world:

–The New York Times details Jack Mackenroth’s fight with a dangerous staph infection. Mackenroth is the Masters swimmer and “Project Runway” contestant we recently profiled.

–Can one being an elite jock and also vegan? The Wall Street Journal profiles star Kansas City Chiefs tight end Tony Gonzalez, who became a vegan before this season. Gonzalez quickly dropped 10 pounds and lost strength until he fine-tuned his diet (he does eat a small amount of fish and chicken each week). There is also a sidebar on a vegan mixed martial artist.

–Jessica Simpson denies that she has been dumped by Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.

Around the sports world:

–The New York Times details Jack Mackenroth’s fight with a dangerous staph infection. Mackenroth is the Masters swimmer and “Project Runway” contestant we recently profiled.

–Can one being an elite jock and also vegan? The Wall Street Journal profiles star Kansas City Chiefs tight end Tony Gonzalez, who became a vegan before this season. Gonzalez quickly dropped 10 pounds and lost strength until he fine-tuned his diet (he does eat a small amount of fish and chicken each week). There is also a sidebar on a vegan mixed martial artist.

–Jessica Simpson denies that she has been dumped by Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo.