David “Wolfman” Williams is an Australian player in its National Rugby League. He’s also one of the rugby and Aussie Rules Football jocks who have posed for the “Gods of Football” calendar. The calendar (one of three) features the athletes as a fundraiser for breast cancer research. It didn’t take Williams, 22, that much thought to decide to pose, according to the The Daily Telegraph.
"It's for a good cause,'' he laughed. "Plus, I usually get nude for a lot less.''
Related: Four photos of another "god of football."
David “Wolfman” Williams is an Australian player in its National Rugby League. He’s also one of the rugby and Aussie Rules Football jocks who have posed for the “Gods of Football” calendar. The calendar (one of three) features the athletes as a fundraiser for breast cancer research. It didn’t take Williams, 22, that much thought to decide to pose, according to the The Daily Telegraph.
"It's for a good cause,'' he laughed. "Plus, I usually get nude for a lot less.''
Related: Four photos of another "god of football."