ESPN recently hosted Jeff Sheng's 'Fearless' display, and several of the athletes in the photo series were invited to talk to ESPN employees. Ted Rybka from GLAAD helped bring the display there, and he wrote about the experience:
ESPN's headquarters is comprised of more than a dozen buildings, which they refer to as their "campus." When deciding to display "Fearless", they chose the entrances of buildings with the most foot traffic across their entire campus. By displaying the large-scale photographs front and center within its most-used buildings, it was clear that ESPN was serious about diversity and inclusion.
ESPN recently hosted Jeff Sheng's 'Fearless' display, and several of the athletes in the photo series were invited to talk to ESPN employees. Ted Rybka from GLAAD helped bring the display there, and he wrote about the experience:
ESPN's headquarters is comprised of more than a dozen buildings, which they refer to as their "campus." When deciding to display "Fearless", they chose the entrances of buildings with the most foot traffic across their entire campus. By displaying the large-scale photographs front and center within its most-used buildings, it was clear that ESPN was serious about diversity and inclusion.
Rybka interviewed some of the athletes who went to Bristol: