Last night I caught former Indiana and Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight’s debut as a college b’ball analyst on ESPN. On a network that has become full of analysis-free screaming heads, Knight was a refreshing change of pace. He analyzed the games at hand in a way that showed deep knowledge of the game and gave some real insight into how coaches prepare for a game and, in particular, how they look back at games once they’re over. Knight’s recap of the Syracuse-Villanova game focused on the last minute or so of the first half and the first couple minutes of the second half and how the game was won in those three minutes. He looked at other games too, taking particular statistics, plays and series and laying the fate of the game on their outcome. If you get a chance to see him on SportsCenter, don’t miss it. When he’s not throwing chairs, he is still one of the best minds in the game. -Cyd Zeigler jr.

Last night I caught former Indiana and Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight’s debut as a college b’ball analyst on ESPN. On a network that has become full of analysis-free screaming heads, Knight was a refreshing change of pace. He analyzed the games at hand in a way that showed deep knowledge of the game and gave some real insight into how coaches prepare for a game and, in particular, how they look back at games once they’re over. Knight’s recap of the Syracuse-Villanova game focused on the last minute or so of the first half and the first couple minutes of the second half and how the game was won in those three minutes. He looked at other games too, taking particular statistics, plays and series and laying the fate of the game on their outcome. If you get a chance to see him on SportsCenter, don’t miss it. When he’s not throwing chairs, he is still one of the best minds in the game. -Cyd Zeigler jr.