The question has become an annual ritual: how long will Brett Favre keep playing? He's been nothing less than a diva about making the decision each year — I remember the year when, after weeks of speculation, the Packers quarterback held a press conference to say that he still hadn't made up his mind. However, he's apparently reached the end of the road, announcing his retirement today after 17 years.

I say "apparently" because the Packers' official announcement says that Favre "has informed us of his intention to retire…" With his previous years of pondering, it seems possible that he could change his mind. even has a poll on its site asking "Will Brett Favre stay retired?" However, he left a voice mail message for ESPN's Chris Mortensen saying, "I know I can still play, but it's like I told my wife, I'm just tired mentally. I'm just tired." So perhaps it's for keeps. — Joe Guckin

The question has become an annual ritual: how long will Brett Favre keep playing? He's been nothing less than a diva about making the decision each year — I remember the year when, after weeks of speculation, the Packers quarterback held a press conference to say that he still hadn't made up his mind. However, he's apparently reached the end of the road, announcing his retirement today after 17 years.

I say "apparently" because the Packers' official announcement says that Favre "has informed us of his intention to retire…" With his previous years of pondering, it seems possible that he could change his mind. even has a poll on its site asking "Will Brett Favre stay retired?" However, he left a voice mail message for ESPN's Chris Mortensen saying, "I know I can still play, but it's like I told my wife, I'm just tired mentally. I'm just tired." So perhaps it's for keeps. — Joe Guckin