A number of blogs wrote about a photo at the "BangBros" website — it's a hardcore porn site — showing someone who appears to be Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens in the background. No, he's not participating in any action. No one's even nude in the picture. He's just standing in the background with a big grin on his face. The Philadelphia Daily News picked up on it yesterday — the original photo accompanies their article.

The BangBros site is based in Miami, also the home base of Owens' agents Drew and Jason Rosenhaus. The Daily News reports today that the Rosenhaus brothers did not respond to their request for comment, but someone apparently took notice of the publicity. The photo has now been cropped to remove Owens.

Come on, T.O, just own up to your love of porn. After throwing your quarterbacks under the bus, "accidentally" overdosing on medication, complaining about Jessica Simpson and sobbing "It's not fair…it's not fair" at a press conference, this is the least of your worries. — Joe Guckin

A number of blogs wrote about a photo at the "BangBros" website — it's a hardcore porn site — showing someone who appears to be Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrell Owens in the background. No, he's not participating in any action. No one's even nude in the picture. He's just standing in the background with a big grin on his face. The Philadelphia Daily News picked up on it yesterday — the original photo accompanies their article.

The BangBros site is based in Miami, also the home base of Owens' agents Drew and Jason Rosenhaus. The Daily News reports today that the Rosenhaus brothers did not respond to their request for comment, but someone apparently took notice of the publicity. The photo has now been cropped to remove Owens.

Come on, T.O, just own up to your love of porn. After throwing your quarterbacks under the bus, "accidentally" overdosing on medication, complaining about Jessica Simpson and sobbing "It's not fair…it's not fair" at a press conference, this is the least of your worries. — Joe Guckin