This picture was posted at blogxilla a few days ago. It’s Tennessee Titans QB Vince Young shirtless at a party. Obviously, he’s surrounded by lots of dudes with their shirts off. So a site called The Online Wire posted a cropped, shrunken pic in which you couldn’t really tell that any women were there (looks like there were few anyway, prompting Xilla’s “sausage party” comment), and said Young was at a gay bar. Of course, this has started yet another titilating rumor about an NFL quarterback; it can’t be long before someone else Photoshops Troy Aikman into the pic. -Cyd Zeigler jr.
This picture was posted at blogxilla a few days ago. It’s Tennessee Titans QB Vince Young shirtless at a party. Obviously, he’s surrounded by lots of dudes with their shirts off. So a site called The Online Wire posted a cropped, shrunken pic in which you couldn’t really tell that any women were there (looks like there were few anyway, prompting Xilla’s “sausage party” comment), and said Young was at a gay bar. Of course, this has started yet another titilating rumor about an NFL quarterback; it can’t be long before someone else Photoshops Troy Aikman into the pic. -Cyd Zeigler jr.