ronaldo_500_500z1.jpgBrazilian soccer star Ronaldo, getting tons of derisive publicity for picking up three prostitutes that turned out to be transvestites, wants the world to know he is 100% hetero.

“As for what happened, I did not have any sexual dealings with those people, I must stress that I am not gay.

When I told my girlfriend, she started to shout, scream and swear at me, I think she’ll find it hard to forgive me.”

When I first heard the story, I never associated it with Ronaldo being gay. I think his girlfriend is more pissed that he dropped her off that night and sought out hookers after the two of them apparently had a spat. I see a Kobe-like $4 million diamond in her future. —Jim Buzinski

ronaldo_500_500z1.jpgBrazilian soccer star Ronaldo, getting tons of derisive publicity for picking up three prostitutes that turned out to be transvestites, wants the world to know he is 100% hetero.

“As for what happened, I did not have any sexual dealings with those people, I must stress that I am not gay.

When I told my girlfriend, she started to shout, scream and swear at me, I think she’ll find it hard to forgive me.”

When I first heard the story, I never associated it with Ronaldo being gay. I think his girlfriend is more pissed that he dropped her off that night and sought out hookers after the two of them apparently had a spat. I see a Kobe-like $4 million diamond in her future. —Jim Buzinski