Edwin Poots, who called gay sports “apartheid,” has been fired from his job as Northern Ireland’s minister for arts and culture. Poots lost his job in a cabinet reshuffle and it apparently had nothing to do with his anti-gay remarks, according to news reports, but rather with his support for a controversial stadium proposal.

Earlier this year, we wrote about Poots’ comments about a gay-oriented rugby club in Belfast. “It would be unacceptable to produce an all-black rugby team or an all-white team or an all-Chinese team,” Poots said. “To me, it’s equally unacceptable to produce an all-homosexual rugby team, and I find it remarkable that people who talk so much about inclusivity and about having an equal role in society would then go down the route of exclusion.”

He came under wide criticism for basically being a mindless, homophobic boob who did not understand the nature of gay sports teams. Next door in Ireland, the gay-oriented Bingham Cup rugby tournament is underway. Since Poots has some time on his hands, maybe he can head over and see what the fuss is all about. –Jim Buzinski

Hat tip to Patricia Nell Warren.

Edwin Poots, who called gay sports “apartheid,” has been fired from his job as Northern Ireland’s minister for arts and culture. Poots lost his job in a cabinet reshuffle and it apparently had nothing to do with his anti-gay remarks, according to news reports, but rather with his support for a controversial stadium proposal.

Earlier this year, we wrote about Poots’ comments about a gay-oriented rugby club in Belfast. “It would be unacceptable to produce an all-black rugby team or an all-white team or an all-Chinese team,” Poots said. “To me, it’s equally unacceptable to produce an all-homosexual rugby team, and I find it remarkable that people who talk so much about inclusivity and about having an equal role in society would then go down the route of exclusion.”

He came under wide criticism for basically being a mindless, homophobic boob who did not understand the nature of gay sports teams. Next door in Ireland, the gay-oriented Bingham Cup rugby tournament is underway. Since Poots has some time on his hands, maybe he can head over and see what the fuss is all about. –Jim Buzinski

Hat tip to Patricia Nell Warren.