Nothing like a rain delay to get New York Mets fans cheering for the other team. On Saturday night, rain delayed and ended up postponing the New York Mets home game against the Texas Rangers. So the Ranger’s Milton Bradley and Ian Kinsler rallied the troops.


So there were the six of them — Bradley, Kinsler, Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Gerald Laird and Josh Rupe — emerging from the Rangers dugout into the pouring rain and sliding head-first across the rain-soaked tarp covering the Shea Stadium infield.

"We were having some fun," Young said. "All I heard was, 'Tarp slide! Tarp slide!' I couldn't get my cleats off fast enough."

The six were out there for only a few minutes, but long enough to get the Mets crowd cheering for them as they waited for the rain to stop. "Let's go Rangers!" is a chant usually heard in New York only at Madison Square Garden during a hockey game. But they were singing that at Shea Stadium as the Rangers went plowing head-first through huge water puddles.

Seeing these boys, all wet, was a real treat. Brenton Metzler

Nothing like a rain delay to get New York Mets fans cheering for the other team. On Saturday night, rain delayed and ended up postponing the New York Mets home game against the Texas Rangers. So the Ranger’s Milton Bradley and Ian Kinsler rallied the troops.


So there were the six of them — Bradley, Kinsler, Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Gerald Laird and Josh Rupe — emerging from the Rangers dugout into the pouring rain and sliding head-first across the rain-soaked tarp covering the Shea Stadium infield.

"We were having some fun," Young said. "All I heard was, 'Tarp slide! Tarp slide!' I couldn't get my cleats off fast enough."

The six were out there for only a few minutes, but long enough to get the Mets crowd cheering for them as they waited for the rain to stop. "Let's go Rangers!" is a chant usually heard in New York only at Madison Square Garden during a hockey game. But they were singing that at Shea Stadium as the Rangers went plowing head-first through huge water puddles.

Seeing these boys, all wet, was a real treat. Brenton Metzler