Swimmers break over 150 world, national and meet records at gay meet

Thursday, June 26, 2008 – An astounding 152 swimming records were broken during the International Gay and Lesbian Aquatics Championships in the greater Washington, DC area from June 19 – 22.

Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen and former Olympian Glenn Mills turned in particularly impressive races, breaking six International Amateur Swimming Federation (FINA) masters world records. This year’s IGLA Championships set more United States Master Swimming (USMS) and FINA world records than in any previous IGLA Championship.
In the men’s 45 – 49 age group, Glenn Mills from the Arizona Masters club set short course world records in the 200 meter Individual Medley (2:13.42), 100m Breaststroke (1:05.74) and the 200m Breaststroke (2:22.68). In the women’s 45 – 49 age group, Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen of San Diego Swim Masters set records in the 800m Freestyle (9:20.08), 100m Individual Medley (1:06.80) and 100m Backstroke (1:05.55).
Pipes-Neilsen has set almost 200 Masters World Records. A straight woman competing at a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) swim meet, she approaches it with the same intensity as other swim meets. “I don’t look at this meet as a gay and lesbian championships meet,” said Pipes-Neilsen. “I look at this as a great championship meet. What I love about it is that it is so inclusive. [LGBT people] and even straight people like me all feel welcomed at this event, and it really is special to be a part of.”
Additionally, 16 short course USMS and 130 IGLA records were broken at the Eppley Recreation Natatorium on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park. But the most memorable performance came from an unlikely athlete. Margaret Camp (of the District of Columbia), an 88-year old swimmer (and oldest athlete competing), set a new IGLA record in the 50m freestyle at 1:48.20.
“As Margaret approached the finish, everyone in the entire natatorium stood and cheered her on – it was an electrifying moment and extremely inspirational,” said WonKee Moon, 2008 IGLA Tournament Director. “Both her grandsons and daughter (also participating in the swim meet) were at the end of the pool to congratulate her as she touched the wall.”
In the large team division, the District of Columbia Aquatics Club (DCAC) won its 9th IGLA championship title with 2,736 points, followed by the 2007 winner, Team Florida with 1,794 points and Team New York Aquatics (1,419) coming in third. The Long Beach Grunions (CA) defended their medium team title with 815 points, followed by West Hollywood Aquatics (CA) (713) and Different Strokes San Diego (CA) placing third with 519 points. The small team division saw Fort Lauderdale Aquatics (FL) claim its first title with 350 points, followed by Red Tide of New York City with 226 points and Sacramento Masters (CA) placing third with 207 points.
This year’s tournament was organized by the District of Columbia Aquatics Club and Washington Wetskins and included over 840 competitors in the sports of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, and water polo.
The men’s and women’s water polo competition took place at the Takoma Community Center in Washington, DC with the men from West Hollywood (CA) claiming its 11th IGLA championship title by defeating Queer Utah Aquatic Club by a score of 7 to 4. The Toronto Triggerfish (Canada) claimed this year’s women’s water polo championship.
To learn more about the competition and view results, visit http://www.igla2008.org. Pictures from competition are available upon request.
The following are the USMS Short Course Meters Records set during the 2008 IGLA Championships at the Eppley Recreation Center Natatorium on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park
800 Freestyle (45 – 49) Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen (SDSM) – 9:20.08*
100 Backstroke (45 – 49) Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen (SDSM) – 1:05.55*
50 Breastroke (60 – 64) Dale Barnhard (DCAC) – 40.24
100 Individual Medley (45 – 49) Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen (SDSM) – 1:06.80*
400 Freestyle Relay (200 – 239) GOLD – 4:28.84
800 Freestyle Relay (200 – 239) GOLD – 9:57.07
50 Freestyle (35 – 39) Brian Jacobson (MINN) – 23.02
50 Breastroke (45- 49) Glenn Mills (ARIZ) – 30.25
100 Breastroke (45 – 49) Glenn Mills (ARIZ) – 1:05.74*
200 Breastroke (25 – 29) Corey Welch (FINS) – 2:19.27
200 Breastroke (45 – 49) Glenn Mills (ARIZ) – 2:22.68*
200 Individual Medley (40 – 44) Lorenzo Benucci (AWJ) – 2:09.46
200 Individual Medley (45 – 49) Glenn Mills (ARIZ) – 2:13.42*
400 Freestyle Relay (72 – 99) Philadelphia Fins – 3:40.78
400 Freestyle Relay (160 – 199) Gold Cost Masters – 3:39.80
400 Medley Relay (72 – 99) Philadelphia Fins – 3:58.83
*Denotes FINA Masters World Record
About IGLA
International Gay & Lesbian Aquatics (IGLA) is the world's foremost international organization solely devoted to developing and promoting swimming, water polo, diving, and synchronized swimming among members and friends of the LGBT community. IGLA represents more than 10,000 athletes in 36 countries worldwide. For additional information, visit www.igla.org.