t1_giambidamon.jpgNew York Yankees first basemen Jason Giambi, who we all know loves a golden thong, has now decided to take another step towards being a porn star. He is now sporting a mustache, and following him along for the ride are Ross Ohlendorf and Johnny Damon. Giambi is now out of his super slump, what should we credit? The thong or the stache?

Completely unrelated, look at this catch by Rick Ankiel the other night. Sick. Brenton Metzler

t1_giambidamon.jpgNew York Yankees first basemen Jason Giambi, who we all know loves a golden thong, has now decided to take another step towards being a porn star. He is now sporting a mustache, and following him along for the ride are Ross Ohlendorf and Johnny Damon. Giambi is now out of his super slump, what should we credit? The thong or the stache?

Completely unrelated, look at this catch by Rick Ankiel the other night. Sick. Brenton Metzler