chopperblog.jpgGreg Wyshynski at Yahoo! Sports alerts us to the name for Iowa’s new American Hockey League team, the Iowa Chops. The name and logo bear more than a passing similarity to the logo for CHOPS (Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People). The organization is described as “the powerful new program developed by Christian Youth expert Donnie Davies.” Writes Wyshynski about the hockey team’s name and logo:

Were their team front office computers able to run what we call here at Yahoo! “search engines?”

I only ask because a rather small segment of the population may believe that Des Moines’s new hockey team is called the Iowa Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People.

Especially with the name separated by those little periods in the logo. Just sayin’.

chopperblog.jpgGreg Wyshynski at Yahoo! Sports alerts us to the name for Iowa’s new American Hockey League team, the Iowa Chops. The name and logo bear more than a passing similarity to the logo for CHOPS (Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People). The organization is described as “the powerful new program developed by Christian Youth expert Donnie Davies.” Writes Wyshynski about the hockey team’s name and logo:

Were their team front office computers able to run what we call here at Yahoo! “search engines?”

I only ask because a rather small segment of the population may believe that Des Moines’s new hockey team is called the Iowa Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People.

Especially with the name separated by those little periods in the logo. Just sayin’.

The name and logo are also being panned by hockey fans and analysts. Says Wyshynski, “But even if Iowa’s logo is passable, the ‘Iowa Chops’ could be the worst nickname in professional hockey; yes, I am taking into account the Syracuse Crunch and the Columbus Blue Jackets, who were named for a fictitious insect before they decided to go all Civil War nostalgia on us.” —Jim Buzinski

Update: Thanks to a commenter below, I was not aware that Donnie Davies may or may not be a real person with an antigay agenda. From Wikipedia:

Donnie Davies is a character who is featured in a number of websites. There is controversy surrounding whether his activities are genuine or part of an elaborate hoax. Davies describes himself as an Anabaptist youth pastor, “reformed homosexual”, and lead singer for the band Evening Service. … Much of the controversy revolves around whether or not this is a real person with a real agenda, or if this is a viral marketing campaign. Some gay rights advocates acknowledge that as a spoof there is humor, but claim the message behind it is still as malicious as someone who seriously possesses this opinion