arod_small_blog.jpgOh, those whacky Grand Prairie AirHogs.

The indie league baseball team from Texas is trying to capitalize on the A-Rod and Madonna “friendship” to put butts in their seats on Wednesday. If fans come to the game claiming to “share an agent” – Madge and the slugging manwhore share agent Guy Oseary – they’ll gain admission for a buck. Wear an A-Rod jersey, get in for $1. Same for dressing as Madonna from any era.

But “A-Rod and Madonna Night” gets better. There’s a between-inning contest to settle the divorce between A-Rod and his wife, Cynthia, complete with look-alikes. There’s also a Madonna dance contest, clips from “A League of Their Own” and highlights from A-Rod’s career.

When you’re a team in the American Association of Professional Baseball, anything that sells tickets is a winner. A-Rod, at Yankee Stadium for tonight’s All-Star Game (8 p.m. on Fox), seems to be taking the media feeding frenzy over the relationship in stride:

"You have to take the good with the bad and not take yourself too seriously," he told the Associated Press. -Matt Hennie

Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta’s sports scene at

arod_small_blog.jpgOh, those whacky Grand Prairie AirHogs.

The indie league baseball team from Texas is trying to capitalize on the A-Rod and Madonna “friendship” to put butts in their seats on Wednesday. If fans come to the game claiming to “share an agent” – Madge and the slugging manwhore share agent Guy Oseary – they’ll gain admission for a buck. Wear an A-Rod jersey, get in for $1. Same for dressing as Madonna from any era.

But “A-Rod and Madonna Night” gets better. There’s a between-inning contest to settle the divorce between A-Rod and his wife, Cynthia, complete with look-alikes. There’s also a Madonna dance contest, clips from “A League of Their Own” and highlights from A-Rod’s career.

When you’re a team in the American Association of Professional Baseball, anything that sells tickets is a winner. A-Rod, at Yankee Stadium for tonight’s All-Star Game (8 p.m. on Fox), seems to be taking the media feeding frenzy over the relationship in stride:

"You have to take the good with the bad and not take yourself too seriously," he told the Associated Press. -Matt Hennie

Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta’s sports scene at