isaiah-washington.jpgWe reported a couple days ago that out sports and entertainment publicist Howard Bragman got married in Los Angeles, and that his request to friends and family was that they donate to Equality California to stop the anti-marriage amendment there on the ballot in November. Well, we’ve heard that people are ponying up in Bragman’s and his partner’s name, and chief among them is Isaiah Washington (who got axed from Grey’s Anatomy for dropping the gay F-bomb), a client of Bragman. Bragman confirmed the donation this morning.

“Chuck and I were very touched by his generosity and his support of this cause, and we expect many other high-profile contributions,” Bragman told me. “He said wishes us all the best and he supports the rights of others in our community to get married.”

isaiah-washington.jpgWe reported a couple days ago that out sports and entertainment publicist Howard Bragman got married in Los Angeles, and that his request to friends and family was that they donate to Equality California to stop the anti-marriage amendment there on the ballot in November. Well, we’ve heard that people are ponying up in Bragman’s and his partner’s name, and chief among them is Isaiah Washington (who got axed from Grey’s Anatomy for dropping the gay F-bomb), a client of Bragman. Bragman confirmed the donation this morning.

“Chuck and I were very touched by his generosity and his support of this cause, and we expect many other high-profile contributions,” Bragman told me. “He said wishes us all the best and he supports the rights of others in our community to get married.”

Howard was also on MSNBC yesterday and, while he was there to talk about a completely separate issue, used the platform to ask for viewers’ financial support for Equality California and ask them to vote against the amendment.

To me, this is great: Both Bragman using his loving relationship to gain support for the cause and Washington, who has been working to clean up a bad reputation in the gay community, putting his money where his mouth is and supporting gay marriage. –Cyd Zeigler jr.