deal_mug.jpgDon’t know how we missed this one. Actually, I do – we were on vacation. But another collegiate swimmer has come out of the closet publicly, this time UMBC junior Fred Deal. UMBC, for those who don’t know, is University of Maryland Baltimore County (believe it or not, their basketball team was in the NCAA tournament this year). What makes his story a bit unique? He’s dating a teammate.

“Towards the end of my sophomore year I started dating one of the guys (pictured on left) on the team and we are still together. The other guys on the team think it’s good and don’t give us any trouble. My coaches are also very open and accepting to people on the team which makes it a great atmosphere to be in.”

While it’s starting to seem like every collegiate swim team must have a gay guy on it, it’s still nice to see these guys and gals taking a stand.

deal_mug.jpgDon’t know how we missed this one. Actually, I do – we were on vacation. But another collegiate swimmer has come out of the closet publicly, this time UMBC junior Fred Deal. UMBC, for those who don’t know, is University of Maryland Baltimore County (believe it or not, their basketball team was in the NCAA tournament this year). What makes his story a bit unique? He’s dating a teammate.

“Towards the end of my sophomore year I started dating one of the guys (pictured on left) on the team and we are still together. The other guys on the team think it’s good and don’t give us any trouble. My coaches are also very open and accepting to people on the team which makes it a great atmosphere to be in.”

While it’s starting to seem like every collegiate swim team must have a gay guy on it, it’s still nice to see these guys and gals taking a stand.

Some other collegiate swimmers who have come out recently:

You can check out Fred’s profile here. -Cyd Zeigler jr.