shirtsandskins.jpgWe’ve been excitedly awaiting first word about Logo’s upcoming series Shirts & Skins, and we’ve finally got it. Apparently, the first couple of episodes have been delivered and word is that it’s really good.

Our big worry has been that Logo would drive the show to focus too much on the skin aspect of the show. And the posters and ads we’ve seen – featuring mostly shirtless guys – has given us more reason to worry. But not so, apparently. The first couple episodes focus on the basketball players, the relationships between the teammates, team turmoil, and basketball. The person we talked to who saw it said he forgot at times that he was watching a show about gay men.

This is great news. I ran into someone at Logo a couple months ago and he was all atwitter because some of the footage was so “hot” with such “hot” guys. Thankfully, it seems the show isn’t just going to sell the athletes as “hot” but will focus on them as people and athletes. Fantastic!!

shirtsandskins.jpgWe’ve been excitedly awaiting first word about Logo’s upcoming series Shirts & Skins, and we’ve finally got it. Apparently, the first couple of episodes have been delivered and word is that it’s really good.

Our big worry has been that Logo would drive the show to focus too much on the skin aspect of the show. And the posters and ads we’ve seen – featuring mostly shirtless guys – has given us more reason to worry. But not so, apparently. The first couple episodes focus on the basketball players, the relationships between the teammates, team turmoil, and basketball. The person we talked to who saw it said he forgot at times that he was watching a show about gay men.

This is great news. I ran into someone at Logo a couple months ago and he was all atwitter because some of the footage was so “hot” with such “hot” guys. Thankfully, it seems the show isn’t just going to sell the athletes as “hot” but will focus on them as people and athletes. Fantastic!!

The show premieres on Logo in September. It’ll be available on their Web site too, so even if you don’t get Logo, you’ll be able to see the show.

As point of disclosure, I should say that Outsports’ Web master, Rory Ray, is one of the stars of the show; and Bill Kendall, the show’s creator, is a longtime friend. And I am hoping we’ll be able to offer some glowing reviews when we see the show for ourselves. –Cyd Zeigler jr.

Also: Rock Dogs, in orange, winning Gay Games gold