canoeblog.jpgUntil photographer and Outsports reader Martin Kennedy e-mailed, I had never heard of the sport of canoe polo. Yep, it’s basically polo played in the water. What’s amazing is the swimming horses they use. Well, they use kayaks instead of ponies, but the latter would certainly make the game more enjoyable to watch, though I wouldn’t want to inhale any of the water.

The 2008 championships were held in Edmonton, Canada, and Kennedy sent along some cool images, that follow after the jump. The guy on the right is one of the competitors. —Jim Buzinski

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canoeblog.jpgUntil photographer and Outsports reader Martin Kennedy e-mailed, I had never heard of the sport of canoe polo. Yep, it’s basically polo played in the water. What’s amazing is the swimming horses they use. Well, they use kayaks instead of ponies, but the latter would certainly make the game more enjoyable to watch, though I wouldn’t want to inhale any of the water.

The 2008 championships were held in Edmonton, Canada, and Kennedy sent along some cool images, that follow after the jump. The guy on the right is one of the competitors. —Jim Buzinski

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