If you can’t get enough of sports, jocks and punditry about them, ESPN has just the thing.
The all-sports network this morning launched a six-hour daytime version of “SportsCenter,” anchored by Hannah Storm and Josh Elliott (photo). I’ve always wondered why, in this age of 24/7 media outlets, ESPN always ran “SportsCenter” repeats the next morning. Now they’ve got a new offering with fresh stuff that repeats itself after a few hours. If your morning doesn’t come equipped with a TV, Dead Spin live-blogged today’s premiere. –Matt Hennie
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta’s sports scene at Gaytlsports.com.
If you can’t get enough of sports, jocks and punditry about them, ESPN has just the thing.
The all-sports network this morning launched a six-hour daytime version of “SportsCenter,” anchored by Hannah Storm and Josh Elliott (photo). I’ve always wondered why, in this age of 24/7 media outlets, ESPN always ran “SportsCenter” repeats the next morning. Now they’ve got a new offering with fresh stuff that repeats itself after a few hours. If your morning doesn’t come equipped with a TV, Dead Spin live-blogged today’s premiere. –Matt Hennie
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta’s sports scene at Gaytlsports.com.