It seems most seasons of Survivor feature at least one gay person, and this season, taped in Gabon, is no different. Charlie Herschel is a lawyer in New York City, a marathoner and a runner, and quite popular in these parts. He’s a fun-loving free spirit who seems to charm everyone he meets. I met Charlie a couple years ago at a little dive bar named Shag here in Chelsea; it’s since gone the way of Matt Leinart’s starting job in Arizona. He actually sat there while I talked about my partner for 20 minutes; Now that’s patience! My guess is he’ll do very well: He’s smart, cute, in good cardio shape, and my guess is he’ll charm eveyone there the way he does in NYC. I saw one interview in which Jeff Probst pointed to Charlie as one to watch. Which means he’ll get booted next week.

We have a story with Charlie; the season premieres on Thursday. A video interview with him after the jump.

It seems most seasons of Survivor feature at least one gay person, and this season, taped in Gabon, is no different. Charlie Herschel is a lawyer in New York City, a marathoner and a runner, and quite popular in these parts. He’s a fun-loving free spirit who seems to charm everyone he meets. I met Charlie a couple years ago at a little dive bar named Shag here in Chelsea; it’s since gone the way of Matt Leinart’s starting job in Arizona. He actually sat there while I talked about my partner for 20 minutes; Now that’s patience! My guess is he’ll do very well: He’s smart, cute, in good cardio shape, and my guess is he’ll charm eveyone there the way he does in NYC. I saw one interview in which Jeff Probst pointed to Charlie as one to watch. Which means he’ll get booted next week.

We have a story with Charlie; the season premieres on Thursday. A video interview with him after the jump.

Charlie talks about being on the show, and boy is he excited:

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