Last week. Cyd let on that he actually watches "Last Call with Carson Daly." Or at least that he's aware of the show. Questionable viewing habits aside, he uncovered this nugget: A Matt Ryan-Carson Daly bromance. The host drooled all over Ryan, calling him a stud and commenting on how great his hair looks when he's not wearing a helmet. Ryan responded in kind. But there was no video of the exchange, until now. Enjoy Ryan's gay moment, but know that it's not his first. This is, after all, the same Atlanta Falcons QB who loves a musical.
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta's gay sports scene (and other stuff) at Project Q Atlanta.
Last week. Cyd let on that he actually watches "Last Call with Carson Daly." Or at least that he's aware of the show. Questionable viewing habits aside, he uncovered this nugget: A Matt Ryan-Carson Daly bromance. The host drooled all over Ryan, calling him a stud and commenting on how great his hair looks when he's not wearing a helmet. Ryan responded in kind. But there was no video of the exchange, until now. Enjoy Ryan's gay moment, but know that it's not his first. This is, after all, the same Atlanta Falcons QB who loves a musical.
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta's gay sports scene (and other stuff) at Project Q Atlanta.