The two newest additions to the sports lineups of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics were announced on Friday: Rugby and Golf. IOC President Jacques Rogge said, “Both golf and rugby are very popular sports with global appeal and a strong ethic. They will be great additions to the Games.”

This will be the first time rugby will officially be in the Olympics since the 1924 Paris games. And this is golf's first Olympic games since the 1904 St. Louis games.

The two newest additions to the sports lineups of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics were announced on Friday: Rugby and Golf. IOC President Jacques Rogge said, “Both golf and rugby are very popular sports with global appeal and a strong ethic. They will be great additions to the Games.”

This will be the first time rugby will officially be in the Olympics since the 1924 Paris games. And this is golf’s first Olympic games since the 1904 St. Louis games. Rugby will be in the Sevens format (quickly, it’s 7 men instead of 15, 3-man scrums, and it’s 7 or 10 minute halves) and Golf, as of now, is in the standard PGA tour format.

If anything, Tiger Woods, who’s notorious for hating team-formats, is going to be happy with that last bit of news. Question is whether or not the then 41 (stupid math) 40 year-old Woods will be able to add to the USA’s medal count. And rugby… well, hey, the last time they held the sport, the USA got the gold, so there’s no reason (aside from the 92 years in-between events) to expect anything other than a USA victory!

No word on whether or not they'll also be judging the Third Half, or Zulus.