Think the Washington Redskins are getting hammered for their coaching and playing? Well owner Daniel Snyder is taking it on the chin from fans and the DC media…for allegedly trying to suppress anger at his coaches and players!

Snyder’s heavyhanded attempt at message killing, Douchewellian as it was, worked in the short term: The censorship of fans was treated as a non-story. (Well, OK: Almost a non-story.) And, as we’ve learned over time – Jeff George, Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, etc… – Snyder only cares about the short term.

Think the Washington Redskins are getting hammered for their coaching and playing? Well owner Daniel Snyder is taking it on the chin from fans and the DC media…for allegedly trying to suppress anger at his coaches and players!

Snyder’s heavyhanded attempt at message killing, Douchewellian as it was, worked in the short term: The censorship of fans was treated as a non-story. (Well, OK: Almost a non-story.) And, as we’ve learned over time – Jeff George, Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, etc… – Snyder only cares about the short term.

No doubt feeling empowered after the Post’s appeasement, Snyder’s behavior had grown insane by Monday’s game with the Eagles. And the once-burned Steinberg, who now buys tickets to the Redskins games to avoid the team’s new restrictions on his reporting, became a war reporter. He embedded himself with the insurgents that night, and has continued telling their tales.

I can’t stand the word “douche,” but “Douchewellian” is inspired!

Hat tip to Twin Fifty Eight.