Sorry, sometimes a headline presents itself and I’ve gotta post it. But the release of Derrick Brooks and Warrick Dunn by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers does represent one of the few things I think is terribly wrong with the NFL: The releasing of big-name talent that fans have come to adore to make room for new free agents (of which there are many this season). I barely remember the time when turnover on rosters was half what it is today, but I still long for those days. But the union- and agent-pushed skyrocketing salaries and the salary cap mean the Bucs of next year won’t look much like the Bucs of this year: They’ve also released Cato June, Joey Galloway and Ike Hilliard.

Now Tampa Bay has reportedly more room under the salary cap ($50 million) than any other team in the history of the salary cap. Spending spree anyone?

Sorry, sometimes a headline presents itself and I’ve gotta post it. But the release of Derrick Brooks and Warrick Dunn by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers does represent one of the few things I think is terribly wrong with the NFL: The releasing of big-name talent that fans have come to adore to make room for new free agents (of which there are many this season). I barely remember the time when turnover on rosters was half what it is today, but I still long for those days. But the union- and agent-pushed skyrocketing salaries and the salary cap mean the Bucs of next year won’t look much like the Bucs of this year: They’ve also released Cato June, Joey Galloway and Ike Hilliard.

Now Tampa Bay has reportedly more room under the salary cap ($50 million) than any other team in the history of the salary cap. Spending spree anyone?