Details magazine has a story and accompanying photo gallery of New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez that was conducted the day before all the steroid allegations broke in early February. The story doesn’t reveal a whole lot, but the photos do suggest a star who is quite the narcissist.

Maybe Rodriguez is in denial. He’s just spent the afternoon happily posing for the cover shoot for this story, showing off his strapping physique and loosening up with shots of Patrón.

Details magazine has a story and accompanying photo gallery of New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez that was conducted the day before all the steroid allegations broke in early February. The story doesn’t reveal a whole lot, but the photos do suggest a star who is quite the narcissist.

Maybe Rodriguez is in denial. He’s just spent the afternoon happily posing for the cover shoot for this story, showing off his strapping physique and loosening up with shots of Patrón.

There are photos (gallery here) that are weird in the way these things are in fashion magazines — Why is A-Rod on a bare mattress with an old tire nearby? Can’t he afford sheets? But the oddest is the shot of A-Rod face-to-face with a mirror giving himself a hither-come-yon look. As Deadspin wrote:

How could anyone think that photos of yourself stretching, posing, even kissing your own image in front of a full-length mirror would make you look like anything other than a clueless, narcissistic tool? Sure, the photographer tells you to do something and you do it without really thinking about it and you move on, but that’s why high-powered celebrities have “people.” And by “people,” I don’t mean fat workout buddies you went to high school with who get you your breakfast every morning. I mean managers, publicists and media relations people who are not your friends and don’t want to be, but will do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t look like an idiot. Didn’t that come up in any of your enlightening conversations with Madonna?