Thanks to Athletic Business for pointing us to an article out of Greensboro News & Record about the preponderance of lesbians at women’s college basketball games. The writer had been to the nearby ACC tournament earlier this month and wondered why college basketball teams and leagues aren’t marketing directly to this market that seems to be so visible in the stands. From the News & Record:

When a News & Record reporter requested an interview to discuss the league’s support among lesbians with ACC associate commissioner Nora Lynn Finch, who oversees the women’s tournament, conference officials asked that the questions be e-mailed in advance.

Thanks to Athletic Business for pointing us to an article out of Greensboro News & Record about the preponderance of lesbians at women’s college basketball games. The writer had been to the nearby ACC tournament earlier this month and wondered why college basketball teams and leagues aren’t marketing directly to this market that seems to be so visible in the stands. From the News & Record:

When a News & Record reporter requested an interview to discuss the league’s support among lesbians with ACC associate commissioner Nora Lynn Finch, who oversees the women’s tournament, conference officials asked that the questions be e-mailed in advance.

Finch responded to general questions about the tournament’s fan base, but declined to answer specific questions about the tournament’s lesbian fan base.

Should college basketball teams and leagues be marketing directly toward lesbians? I tried to think of examples of them directly marketing to any specific adult demographic, and I couldn't think of any. Should they do so here, for either financial or ethical reasons?

Hat tip to Paul Steinbach of Athletic Business