As a lead-up to our Outsports Local Groups Challenge, we’ll be profiling the five first-round matchups on the blog. Voting starts Thursday.

Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country, and their gay-sports groups have followed that lead. The softball group hosted the 2007 Gay Softball World Series, the football group was one of the teams to beat in the last Gay Superbowl, and these two new organizations are continuing that. The Phoenix Sunfish Aquatics Club recently placed third Arizona State Swimming Championships; And the youngest group in the whole contest, a hockey group in the dessert just started three months ago, is full of energy to grow.

As a lead-up to our Outsports Local Groups Challenge, we’ll be profiling the five first-round matchups on the blog. Voting starts Thursday.

Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country, and their gay-sports groups have followed that lead. The softball group hosted the 2007 Gay Softball World Series, the football group was one of the teams to beat in the last Gay Superbowl, and these two new organizations are continuing that. The Phoenix Sunfish Aquatics Club recently placed third Arizona State Swimming Championships; And the youngest group in the whole contest, a hockey group in the dessert just started three months ago, is full of energy to grow.

Gay Hockey Phoenix Arizona
Web Site:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Sport: Ice Hockey
Founded: 2008

Our group is the best gay-sports group of in 2008 because we were founded at the end of year and have a bright future ahead of us. Our group is small with 18 members, but we are hockey players and welcome men and women to our roster. Our group does not have a team name yet, but we are hockey players and will come up with a creative and strong team name. Who plays hockey in Phoenix Arizona you might ask? We do, we are hockey players. We think our team is the best gay-sports group of in 2008 because we are hockey players and we are a new team in the Valley of the Sun.

Phoenix Sunfish Aquatics Club
Web Site:
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Sport: Master’s Swimming
Founded: 2003

We've come a long way! Swim teams often come and go, but we've been able to stick around, and in our 5th year we earned a third place at the Arizona State Swimming Championships, beating out much larger straight teams. It was our best finish yet and really helped boost team unity and confidence. As we try to grow our program we also try to give back to the community through fund raisers and volunteering with local GLBT issues and projects. Our members are involved in a wide variety of community organizations and we invite everyone to participate in our team and special events.