It took me a couple days to see the video from the Ryan Moats incident with police officer Robert Powell. In case you didn't see it, Moats and his wife went to see his dying mother-in-law at the hospital, ran a red light (he says safely), and Moats was detained in the hospital parking lot (for some time at gun point) by Powell while his mother-in-law died inside the hospital. Video of the entire incident is after the jump.

How much do you think racism played into this? Would the police office treat white people getting out of an SUV in a hospital parking lot the same way he treated the black people? My own personal take on this: He would have personally escorted Matt Schaub to his mother's room. The officer chased someone into a hospital parking lot, detained them for 12 minutes while he pleads about seeing his dying mother-in-law, and then had the nerve to lecture the man, further detaining him. I agree with Moats' wife: If he meant the apology sincerely, he would have called them to do it; Like so many before him, he's just sad he got caught. Maybe next time he'll think twice before mistreating a black person he apprehends.

It took me a couple days to see the video from the Ryan Moats incident with police officer Robert Powell. In case you didn't see it, Moats and his wife went to see his dying mother-in-law at the hospital, ran a red light (he says safely), and Moats was detained in the hospital parking lot (for some time at gun point) by Powell while his mother-in-law died inside the hospital. Video of the entire incident is after the jump.

How much do you think racism played into this? Would the police office treat white people getting out of an SUV in a hospital parking lot the same way he treated the black people? My own personal take on this: He would have personally escorted Matt Schaub to his mother’s room. The officer chased someone into a hospital parking lot, detained them for 12 minutes while he pleads about seeing his dying mother-in-law, and then had the nerve to lecture the man, further detaining him. I agree with Moats’ wife: If he meant the apology sincerely, he would have called them to do it; Like so many before him, he’s just sad he got caught. Maybe next time he’ll think twice before mistreating a black person he apprehends.