This is one of the most bizarre stories I’ve seen recently: The NFL forced Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after he accidentally posted a picture of his penis on his blog last season. In an interview with Jimmy Traina of, Cooley revealed Do people still give you a hard time about [exposing your penis]t?

Cooley: Only in interviews. Only people like you. But the NFL made me undergo a psychiatric evaluation. They treated it really seriously. Please. It was an accident. If I wanted to post a picture of my penis I wouldn’t have been all hunched over.

This is one of the most bizarre stories I’ve seen recently: The NFL forced Washington Redskins tight end Chris Cooley to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after he accidentally posted a picture of his penis on his blog last season. In an interview with Jimmy Traina of, Cooley revealed Do people still give you a hard time about [exposing your penis]t?

Cooley: Only in interviews. Only people like you. But the NFL made me undergo a psychiatric evaluation. They treated it really seriously. Please. It was an accident. If I wanted to post a picture of my penis I wouldn’t have been all hunched over. What was the result of the psychiatric evaluation?

Cooley: I don’t even know, dude. I had to do a call with some lady. I thought it was gonna take two minutes, but it was like an hour. It was horrible.

Seriously? An obvious accidental post by a goofball tight end requires a psych evaluation by the NFL? Deadspin had the proper snarky reaction:

Remarkably, somewhere the NFL has a transcript of the hour-long conversation between a female psychiatrist and Cooley discussing why he posted his penis on-line. What were they looking to find out? If he’s prone to exposing himself?

Cooley has a very irreverent blog and has now posted clips of an online reality show with his clueless brothers and wife. After watching this, it wouldn’t take a pricey shrink to realize that Cooley exposing his penis is probably par for the course in his household. The Cooley reality show: