I admit, I have a bit of a man crush on LeBron James. Even though he is single handedly dismantling my hometown Hawks in round two of the NBA playoffs, I can’t quite get past his charm, smile and pure athletic ability. The fact that he’s a 6-foot 8-inch, 250-pound mass of muscle doesn’t hurt, either.
While in Atlanta this weekend, he spent time after Saturday's game three at a party in Midtown, otherwise known to locals as the gayborhood. That just added fuel to the man crush.
I admit, I have a bit of a man crush on LeBron James. Even though he is single handedly dismantling my hometown Hawks in round two of the NBA playoffs, I can’t quite get past his charm, smile and pure athletic ability. The fact that he’s a 6-foot 8-inch, 250-pound mass of muscle doesn’t hurt, either.
While in Atlanta this weekend, he spent time after Saturday's game three at a party in Midtown, otherwise known to locals as the gayborhood. That just added fuel to the man crush.
A sports columnist with the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Jeff Schultz, opined on James' choice to have a party before his NBA crown is in hand. But sadly, it's not like the Hawks are keeping him up at night worrying about the semis.
Game four is tonight and while I had hopes that the Hawks would steal at least one game in the series, that's looking ever more doubtful with the pitiful play of Josh Smith and the walking wounded of Joe Johnson, Al Horford and Marvin Williams.
So James had a promoter pull together a party Saturday for 800 people in an upscale bar and restaurant that also hosts a weekly gay cocktail gathering and the monthly meeting of a gay business group. At least one reader of the Schultz column picked up on this in the comments section:
Midtown is known for some of the better gay bars in Atlanta. Perhaps Lebron will find his way to one tonight and get violated enough where he is worn out for Game 4.
Hey! It could happen.
Wishful thinking. Kinda like the Hawks winning a game in this series.
Matt Hennie blogs on Atlanta's gay sports scene (and other stuff) at Project Q Atlanta.