Stripper Theresa White has told News Of The World that swimmer Michael Phelps had his first threeway with her and another woman, and that the session lasted for hours. White says she met Phelps at a Baltimore strip club last November. While Phelps allegedly “was kind of mean and cocky to some of the girls,” he took to White and invited her and a couple other girls back to his apartment. And that’s when he lost his threeway virginity.

The sex lasted for about three hours. Michael should get another Olympic gold for marathon love-making!

Stripper Theresa White has told News Of The World that swimmer Michael Phelps had his first threeway with her and another woman, and that the session lasted for hours. White says she met Phelps at a Baltimore strip club last November. While Phelps allegedly “was kind of mean and cocky to some of the girls,” he took to White and invited her and a couple other girls back to his apartment. And that’s when he lost his threeway virginity.

The sex lasted for about three hours. Michael should get another Olympic gold for marathon love-making!

White tells NOTW that she hasn’t been able to get hold of Phelps of late, and that she hears he’s sleeping with five or six different girls. So, this could all be a jilted lover sticking it to the world-famous object of her affection. But whatever it is, she doesn’t hold Phelps in very high regard:

Michael's not the all-American boy the public thinks he is. I never saw him smoke marijuana but he was into booze-and chewing tobacco. When he's been drinking that's usually when he starts crying. He cries a lot. And he chews tobacco like a sailor. It's disgusting. All over his house are plastic bottles that he spits it into.

Huh, with that description maybe he is the all-American boy.

Hat tip to Fark.