No, really. In just three years, the organizers of the Gay Games and Outgames have largely put aside their differences and are offering words of encouragement and genuine help to one another. Last week the Federation of Gay Games released this statement:

On behalf of the international Federation of Gay Games, we would like to send our very best wishes to the entire team of Outgames Copenhagen.

No, really. In just three years, the organizers of the Gay Games and Outgames have largely put aside their differences and are offering words of encouragement and genuine help to one another. Last week the Federation of Gay Games released this statement:

On behalf of the international Federation of Gay Games, we would like to send our very best wishes to the entire team of Outgames Copenhagen.

With Copenhagen being such a beautiful city, we are sure that participants from around the globe will have a wonderful experience. We wish you every success with the sport and culture programmes and, also, with the Human Rights Conference.

I’m impressed. After such a contentious 2004-2006, I didn’t think the two groups would ever be cordial or work together, but they’ve turned that around quickly. It will give hope to all of the people who want the two groups to combine into one giant event. Who knows, maybe it will happen sooner than I thought.