Longtime gay-rights advocate and sports fan David Mixner yesterday issued a call for a National March on Washington for gay rights. It was followed up today by Cleve Jones, friend of Harvey Milk and creator of the National AIDS Quilt, who wants to see the march happen on National Coming Out Day, October 11. That date coincides with the final day of the annual Gay Superbowl, which will be held in D.C. this year. Both David and Cleve make a great case for an event like this. Would you attend?

Longtime gay-rights advocate and sports fan David Mixner yesterday issued a call for a National March on Washington for gay rights. It was followed up today by Cleve Jones, friend of Harvey Milk and creator of the National AIDS Quilt, who wants to see the march happen on National Coming Out Day, October 11. That date coincides with the final day of the annual Gay Superbowl, which will be held in D.C. this year. Both David and Cleve make a great case for an event like this. Would you attend?