Hector Reynoso coughing on opponent.

Hector Reynoso coughing on opponent.

A Mexican soccer player is being suspended after spitting, coughing and blowing his nose in the direction of an opponent from a Chilean team, then saying he had Swine Flu. The incident occurred during a 1-1 tie between Chivas Guadalajara of Mexico and Everton de Chile last week in Chile (video of incident below).

The length of the ban will be determined over the course of the next three days, according to the South American governing body CSF, who informed Eurosport: “At around the 90th minute of the aforementioned game, [Hector Reynoso of Chivas Guadalajara], following an incident in the game, reacted by spitting at Everton player Sebastian Penco and then releasing nasal secretions at the face of the player.

Hector Reynoso coughing on opponent.

Hector Reynoso coughing on opponent.

A Mexican soccer player is being suspended after spitting, coughing and blowing his nose in the direction of an opponent from a Chilean team, then saying he had Swine Flu. The incident occurred during a 1-1 tie between Chivas Guadalajara of Mexico and Everton de Chile last week in Chile (video of incident below).

The length of the ban will be determined over the course of the next three days, according to the South American governing body CSF, who informed Eurosport: “At around the 90th minute of the aforementioned game, [Hector Reynoso of Chivas Guadalajara], following an incident in the game, reacted by spitting at Everton player Sebastian Penco and then releasing nasal secretions at the face of the player.

Reynoso later sort of apologized to Penco, saying, “I’ve cooled off now, but at the time I reacted and, perhaps, it wasn’t an appropriate thing that I was doing.” Perhaps?

It is not clear whether Reynoso was infected with the disease that has shut down large parts of Mexico. Games in the Mexican leagues have gone on without crowds, while Chile and Colombia have refused to allow Mexican teams to play their league games in those countries. Here is Reynoso acting like a total ass, with the coughing and nose-blowing in slow motion.