The NBA Finals was supposed to be the meeting of the consensus two best basketball players in the NBA. Instead, LeBron James will be watching the series from home and sulking. Apparently, he left his team’s Game 6 loss in Orlando without saying a word to anyone. No congratulations. No comments to the press. He just put on his headphones and left the building. He’s taking some heat for it, and while I understand James’ reaction, I think he deserves it. I’ve been there, losing a game I really didn’t want to lose and just wanting to get the hell out of there. I always did shake the other team’s hand and never actually did just get the hell out of there. I don’t like James’ reaction after the game, but I understand it.

The NBA Finals was supposed to be the meeting of the consensus two best basketball players in the NBA. Instead, LeBron James will be watching the series from home and sulking. Apparently, he left his team’s Game 6 loss in Orlando without saying a word to anyone. No congratulations. No comments to the press. He just put on his headphones and left the building. He’s taking some heat for it, and while I understand James’ reaction, I think he deserves it. I’ve been there, losing a game I really didn’t want to lose and just wanting to get the hell out of there. I always did shake the other team’s hand and never actually did just get the hell out of there. I don’t like James’ reaction after the game, but I understand it.

Something I learned several years ago playing flag football might benefit him: There is opportunity in defeat. Athletes aren’t just measured by how much they win or lose, they’re also measured by how they handle the winning and the losing. When you lose, you have the opportunity to show what kind of a person you are. When I’ve lost playoff games in recent years I’ve made it a point to celebrate the other team’s victory with them, and I’ve found it actually feels good. Of course, in the uber-macho world of pro sports, that’s tough for most guys to do.

Under all the questions about James is whether his silence means he has played his last game as a Cleveland Cavalier. The Cavs just don't have a very good supporting cast for him (then again, few teams do for their highly paid superstar), and they don't have a good coach. My guess is, despite failing ot make it to the NBA Finals, we'll hear more about LeBron James in the next two months than whoever actually wins it all.