

In one of the stranger TV pairings I can remember, former figure skater Brian Boitano will host a coooking show (called What Would Brian Boitano Make?) on The Food Network premiering later this month. Afterelton's Michael Jensen tried to talk to Boitano after receiving press materials and again at the TV Critics Tour. Both times, Jensen was given the cold shoulder because the network is afraid that someone might ask Boitano if he's gay.

Even if he won't answer the question, just seeing a promo for it you realize it will be the gayest show on television. I guess, like Johnny Weir, Boitano doesn't have to announce anything to actually announce something: He just lets his costume closet and sequin outfit do the talking.

More, plus must-see video evidence, after the jump.



In one of the stranger TV pairings I can remember, former figure skater Brian Boitano will host a coooking show (called What Would Brian Boitano Make?) on The Food Network premiering later this month. Afterelton's Michael Jensen tried to talk to Boitano after receiving press materials and again at the TV Critics Tour. Both times, Jensen was given the cold shoulder because the network is afraid that someone might ask Boitano if he's gay.

Even if he won't answer the question, just seeing a promo for it you realize it will be the gayest show on television. I guess, like Johnny Weir, Boitano doesn't have to announce anything to actually announce something: He just lets his costume closet and sequin outfit do the talking.

More, plus must-see video evidence, after the jump.

From Afterelton:

So at The Food Network party, I waited my turn to to talk with Brian, introduced myself to him and the publicist accompanying him, and explained I was the editor of AfterElton.com and what we covered. I said I was interested in doing a profile of Brian as a way to cover the show and that our profile would include asking Brian some questions about his personal life. This is pretty standard fare not only for AfterElton.com, but for any media outlet.

At that point I was told – in no uncertain terms – that the show was strictly about the cooking and was going to keep its focus on that, and not on Brian's personal life.

The publicist then physically steered Brian away from me, toward another journalist.

The show, by the way, is largely about Brian's personal life, according to Jensen.

It's so odd and disappointing that Boitano and The Food Network would avoid this question. Boitano is no more of a chef than I am. To claim the show is just about his cooking is so ludicrous, like anyone is going to be waiting to see how a former figure skater beats an egg.

By the way, the title of the show is an obvious play on the uber-religious What Would Jesus Do? In reality, it's a play on South Park's What Would Brian Boitano Do? Still, is Boitano trying to mock the Jesus creed (like South Park did)? Seems like a questionable choice of titles…for a strange TV show idea.

And of course, the South Park classic: