If you’ve been waiting to order some of those hot naked calendars we’ve been talking about for years, now may be the perfect time. The Sheffield Hallam University RFC is selling some of their old calendars for 1£ and giving others away for free; You just have to pay the shipping cost. They also sell their making-of DVDs for just 7£ (about $12). They have free calendars going all the way back to 2005.

If you’ve been waiting to order some of those hot naked calendars we’ve been talking about for years, now may be the perfect time. The Sheffield Hallam University RFC is selling some of their old calendars for 1£ and giving others away for free; You just have to pay the shipping cost. They also sell their making-of DVDs for just 7£ (about $12). They have free calendars going all the way back to 2005.