Trying to get a read on how some teams might be this season, I’ve been interested to see some reports in particular from training camps of teams I have my eye on this season. What has caught my eye, in no particular order:

  • Big, bad, mean Rex Ryan has brought his no-holds-barred attitude to the New York Jets, and it's turned into some skirmishes and fights at camp. Ryan is loving it.
  • The Raiders have taken a different approach to camp. Instead of focusing on the completions and catches and hard hits, they're doing lots of walk-throughs and learning. It's not what you expect from the Raiders, but it's not a bad idea for this team.
  • Lions receiver Bryant Johnson is nursing an injury…from a golf cart accident. Until last year, the Lions weren't terrible. But when your receivers are being injured by golf carts, it's just a bad omen.

Trying to get a read on how some teams might be this season, I’ve been interested to see some reports in particular from training camps of teams I have my eye on this season. What has caught my eye, in no particular order:

  • Big, bad, mean Rex Ryan has brought his no-holds-barred attitude to the New York Jets, and it's turned into some skirmishes and fights at camp. Ryan is loving it.
  • The Raiders have taken a different approach to camp. Instead of focusing on the completions and catches and hard hits, they're doing lots of walk-throughs and learning. It's not what you expect from the Raiders, but it's not a bad idea for this team.
  • Lions receiver Bryant Johnson is nursing an injury…from a golf cart accident. Until last year, the Lions weren't terrible. But when your receivers are being injured by golf carts, it's just a bad omen.