I know you've all been waiting for a Twitter update from a sports figure. Since I haven't been doing this on a weekly basis I'm not sure I should keep calling it "Sports Tweet of the Week," but if anyone wants to send me links to interesting Twitter pages — or if Jim or Cyd or any of the other "guest" bloggers want to post their own STOTW, perhaps we'll be able to get this back on a weekly schedule.

At any rate, Terrell Owens, wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills (at least until he throws another quarterback under the bus), was visiting Miami. About 24 hours ago he needed a ride to the airport after partying at Mansion and eating at Big Pink:

Need a ride 2 airport ladies! Ummmm i'm n the aventura area. Preferably No dudes!!

I know you've all been waiting for a Twitter update from a sports figure. Since I haven't been doing this on a weekly basis I'm not sure I should keep calling it "Sports Tweet of the Week," but if anyone wants to send me links to interesting Twitter pages — or if Jim or Cyd or any of the other "guest" bloggers want to post their own STOTW, perhaps we'll be able to get this back on a weekly schedule.

At any rate, Terrell Owens, wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills (at least until he throws another quarterback under the bus), was visiting Miami. About 24 hours ago he needed a ride to the airport after partying at Mansion and eating at Big Pink:

Need a ride 2 airport ladies! Ummmm i'm n the aventura area. Preferably No dudes!!

“Preferably no dudes”? This gives new meaning to the phrase “If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat.”

seriously, i need a ride 2 airport, flt is @ 7am. who wants 2 give me a ride? 😉

Fortunately, he got hooked up. With a ride to the airport, I mean. Meanwhile, after T.O. arrived in town, he tweeted a fellow receiver, Donte Stallworth:

@D_Stallworth18 wassup homie? i'm here! u gettin out?

Ummmmm, T.O.? I don't know if you heard, but Donte is under house arrest after serving less than a month in jail for DUI manslaughter. If he's getting out, it's not to Mansion or Big Pink.