This is a tough weekend to be a baseball fan and a loving boyfriend. Personally, I have a few conflicts…

First conflict: My sister is coming to town for the weekend and she is excited about the big art extravaganza taking place just a stone’s throw from Turner Field where the Atlanta Braves will be fighting the Philadelphia Phillies for a spot in the playoffs. Flux Projects is throwing a big art party in the area of Atlanta known as Castleberry Hill. Flux 2010 is a great event with art installations and performances taking place on the sidewalks, in the streets, alleys, and in the galleries or open loft spaces. I don’t want to miss it but at the same time I will need to know what is happening with the baseball game because a Braves win and a Padres loss will mean a clinch of the Wild Card for the Bravos. Since I don’t have the internet on my phone I will have to bring my little pocket radio and earphones and catch bits and pieces when I can.

This is a tough weekend to be a baseball fan and a loving boyfriend. Personally, I have a few conflicts…

First conflict: My sister is coming to town for the weekend and she is excited about the big art extravaganza taking place just a stone’s throw from Turner Field where the Atlanta Braves will be fighting the Philadelphia Phillies for a spot in the playoffs. Flux Projects is throwing a big art party in the area of Atlanta known as Castleberry Hill. Flux 2010 is a great event with art installations and performances taking place on the sidewalks, in the streets, alleys, and in the galleries or open loft spaces. I don’t want to miss it but at the same time I will need to know what is happening with the baseball game because a Braves win and a Padres loss will mean a clinch of the Wild Card for the Bravos. Since I don’t have the internet on my phone I will have to bring my little pocket radio and earphones and catch bits and pieces when I can.

Second conflict: My boyfriend Joey. Joey is part of an art collective known as John Q and on Saturday they have an opening at MOCA GA(Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia). I always love Joey’s art ventures so of course I am going to be there to support him. Depending on the outcome of the baseball games on Friday, I may or may not be relieved of my tensions over the NL Wild Card race and once again will have to resort to the radio for any updates. Joey knows how much these games mean to me and he has even said I don’t have to attend the opening but there is no way I would miss this important event.

Third conflict: Well, there really isn’t another conflict because hopefully the Braves will have already taken care of their business and the Giants will have dispatched the Padres. I don’t know if my nerves can take it but if the Braves season is still hanging in the balance on Sunday then I will either be sitting on my couch watching on TV or trying to find a way to get into The Ted and watch in person.

I will gladly sacrifice watching the Braves clinch their first NL Wild Card for two fun social events and supporting my boyfriend but after watching almost every game the Braves played this year, it will be tough to miss two of the most important games of the season. What seems even more excruciating than my dilemma is being a San Diego Padres fan. There are only 3 games left to be played and being 3 games back of the Giants in the NL West and 2 games back of the Braves for the Wild Card the Padres can't lose or they are out! They can possibly still win their division or the Wild Card but San Diego's margin for error is nil.

The American League is pretty much wrapped up. The only thing of interest left in these final 3 games of the regular season is who will be the AL East champ, Tampa Bay Rays or New York Yankees? The loser is the Wild Card …not as much drama as the race happening in the National League.

Either way, this weekend of baseball is just a lead into an exciting extension of the season. Yeah ! My boyfriend hates the post-season because of this reason. Joey has seen me watching games since April and I'm sure to him it feels like the season will never be finished. However, after my display of selflessness this weekend I'm sure he won't mind just a few more weeks of the game I love.

Low and inside,

Kevin Hart