The Cedar Springs strip in the gay section of Dallas will be the site of a block party planned for the night of Feb. 5, 2011, a day before the Super Bowl. It’s being billed as the world’s first Gay Super Bowl party, according to the Dallas Voice:

Scott Whittall, president of the Cedar Springs Merchants Association, announced today that the “Super Street Party” — organizers are barred from using the term “Super Bowl” — will be from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. on the eve of Super Bowl XLV at Cowboys Stadium. …

The Cedar Springs strip in the gay section of Dallas will be the site of a block party planned for the night of Feb. 5, 2011, a day before the Super Bowl. It’s being billed as the world’s first Gay Super Bowl party, according to the Dallas Voice:

Scott Whittall, president of the Cedar Springs Merchants Association, announced today that the “Super Street Party” — organizers are barred from using the term “Super Bowl” — will be from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. on the eve of Super Bowl XLV at Cowboys Stadium. …

“No matter which two cities’ teams are in the Super Bowl, there are going to be a lot of gay people coming to town,” Whittall said. “We love sports — we’re just like everybody else — and I think sports-minded gay people will come out in force. I don’t think you have to be sports-minded, either, to enjoy a big party.”

Admission will be free and local gay sports groups will man beer booths. It’s a great idea and one that shows how sports are becoming more mainstream in the gay community. The party will have booze, food, hot guys and gals all with a Texas flavor. Only one thing will be missing — the Dallas Cowboys. At 2-7, there’s a bigger chance of both Super Bowl quarterbacks coming out as gay than there is of the ‘Boys being the first team to ever play a Super Bowl on its home field.