While gay fans appear to throw their collective support behind Johnny Weir, Evan Lysacek has managed to scrounge up supporters elsewhere. He's got at least one notable fan club: the Los Angeles Lakers. Yahoo Sports's Martin Rogers writes about the skater's links to the NBA franchise, which includes coach Phil Jackson's blessing to use the team's weight room.

“The Los Angeles Lakers operate in a private world revolving entirely around the pursuit of success, yet the organization and players have opened their doors to Lysacek – like them a reigning world champion – and a surprising bond has been struck.”

While gay fans appear to throw their collective support behind Johnny Weir, Evan Lysacek has managed to scrounge up supporters elsewhere. He's got at least one notable fan club: the Los Angeles Lakers. Yahoo Sports's Martin Rogers writes about the skater's links to the NBA franchise, which includes coach Phil Jackson's blessing to use the team's weight room.

“The Los Angeles Lakers operate in a private world revolving entirely around the pursuit of success, yet the organization and players have opened their doors to Lysacek – like them a reigning world champion – and a surprising bond has been struck.”

Lysacek is quoted: "It is pretty inspirational for me to train at the same complex as such a legendary team and such a successful group." And several Lakers had praise for their unlikely pal:

“We have seen him and we know about what he does,” said Lamar Odom, whom Lysacek lists along with Bryant as his favorite sportsmen. “As an athlete you can respect excellence in any sport and the level of dedication and preparation it takes to be one of the best.”

“He is a strong guy,” Lakers guard Jordan Farmar said. “He gets pretty good air on those jumps.”

This poses only one question heading into tonight's short progam in Vancouver. Who are gay Lakers fans supposed to root for?