Gay sports bars are quickly growing in number and popularity. In Washington DC, gay sports bar Nellie’s has gotten so popular that it’s even attracting armed robbers in broad daylight

Doug Schantz, owner of Nellie’s Sports Bar at 900 U St. NW, was robbed at gunpoint around 1 p.m. Monday, April 19, by two men. Though there was a scuffle during the robbery, Schantz was not injured and the robbers fled with a “small amount of money,” Schantz says.

Gay sports bars are quickly growing in number and popularity. In Washington DC, gay sports bar Nellie’s has gotten so popular that it’s even attracting armed robbers in broad daylight

Doug Schantz, owner of Nellie’s Sports Bar at 900 U St. NW, was robbed at gunpoint around 1 p.m. Monday, April 19, by two men. Though there was a scuffle during the robbery, Schantz was not injured and the robbers fled with a “small amount of money,” Schantz says.

“We were closed. Delivery people come in all the time and these guys came in behind me. I thought they were delivery people. One put a gun right in my face. I was on the phone. I said, ‘Oh, my God. Oh, my God.’ I started screaming at the top of my lungs, ‘Help!'”

The thieves have not been apprehended.