Via Pete at WideRights comes this little Tweet exchange between the two guys who play the gay couple on Modern Family. Jesse Ferguson (right) is the real-life gay guy; Eric Stonestreet is actually straight. They went to a recent Knicks game, and they decided to post their thoughts on Twitter. Of course, Jesse had to play the “I’m so gay, I don’t know what that orange round thing on the court is” role. Ugh.

* Jesse: I’m excited to go to my first NBA “sports game” tonight with my fake boyfriend @ericstonestreet. “Go Knicks! Throw the orange ball around!”

Via Pete at WideRights comes this little Tweet exchange between the two guys who play the gay couple on Modern Family. Jesse Ferguson (right) is the real-life gay guy; Eric Stonestreet is actually straight. They went to a recent Knicks game, and they decided to post their thoughts on Twitter. Of course, Jesse had to play the “I’m so gay, I don’t know what that orange round thing on the court is” role. Ugh.

* Jesse: I’m excited to go to my first NBA “sports game” tonight with my fake boyfriend @ericstonestreet. “Go Knicks! Throw the orange ball around!”

* Eric: Can’t wait 2 explain the difference between a zone defense and a man to man defense 2 my tv boyfriend @jessetyler at the knicks game 2nite.

* Eric: @jessetyler and I are at the game. First question: “what’s something I can yell sporty sounding?”

* Jesse: Nothing is worse than a bad promo shot. Oh wait, a bad promo shot of you on the Jumbo Tron at a Knicks Game is pretty bad. Bad and cool.

* Jesse: I like both numbers “8″s.

* Eric: Hey ksu peeps! Look who it is!!

* Jesse: Is this the Adams Family Theme song?

* Jesse: I having a grand time with my budlight and my bouncy ball hoop tournament!

* Eric: And look who else!!

* Jesse: Going into intermission at The NY Knicks show. Well played!

* Jesse: On the court after Act I!

* Jesse: Act II is alot like Act I here at the Knicks Game.

* Eric: So in to the game.

I guess Jesse's antics were supposed to be funny. And they might have been in 1980 when the joke wasn't 100 years old. I'm not laughing, I'm rolling my eyes. Oy.