Now this is what sportsmanship is all about. Our contest to find the top gay-sports group concluded Tuesday night with the Muffin Tops Softball Team from Seattle barely edging out the Milwaukee Gay Volleyball Association. The former was gracious in victory, and the latter was incredibly gracious in defeat. Through the whole process, I was impressed with how these two teams conducted themselves and rallied support.

Yesterday I received an email from Scott Fisher of the Muffin Tops saying that his team would like to share the top prize with the MGVA. So the Muffin Tops will get $100 and the MGVA will receive a free registration to the Gay Games this summer. Congratulations to both groups for showing such class and respect: We at Outsports are very impressed!

Now this is what sportsmanship is all about. Our contest to find the top gay-sports group concluded Tuesday night with the Muffin Tops Softball Team from Seattle barely edging out the Milwaukee Gay Volleyball Association. The former was gracious in victory, and the latter was incredibly gracious in defeat. Through the whole process, I was impressed with how these two teams conducted themselves and rallied support.

Yesterday I received an email from Scott Fisher of the Muffin Tops saying that his team would like to share the top prize with the MGVA. So the Muffin Tops will get $100 and the MGVA will receive a free registration to the Gay Games this summer. Congratulations to both groups for showing such class and respect: We at Outsports are very impressed!