Congratulations to everyone who organized and attended the Houston Astros Pride in the Park event on Saturday, as over 1,000 people participated. Organizer Trevor Eade asked me if it was the biggest gay event ever at a baseball game; Not quite, but it is at the very top. I asked Eade how he attracted so many people. His answer: Getting local media and gay organizations to support it en masse.
Still, some seem to be grumbling that the Astros didn't recognize the gay attendees enough:
Congratulations to everyone who organized and attended the Houston Astros Pride in the Park event on Saturday, as over 1,000 people participated. Organizer Trevor Eade asked me if it was the biggest gay event ever at a baseball game; Not quite, but it is at the very top. I asked Eade how he attracted so many people. His answer: Getting local media and gay organizations to support it en masse.
Still, some seem to be grumbling that the Astros didn’t recognize the gay attendees enough:
While Eade was extremely happy with the results, there was some grumbling. “This was a bust…they did not announce that it was The Gay Men’s Chorus and Bayou City Women’s Chourus singing the National Anthem. They gave them another name ‘Bayou City _______ Choir,'” one attendee e-mailed us. “Mayor [Annise] Parker threw out the second pitch, some guy with Bank of America threw out the first pitch. I never heard the announcer acknowledge the group as they do for other large sales.”
Eade doesn’t think the Astros downplayed the event, since the Pride group was one of a dozen group-sales organizations attending that night. He also says the “Bayou City Chorale” is the name used when the men’s and women’s choruses perform together.
Either way, it sounds like it was a great event. Don’t be surprised if a gay night at the Houston Rockets springs up next!