The variety of athletes and sports makes the Gay Games my favorite event to cover. In addition to articles and videos, Cyd and I shot more than 500 photos, and we are adding some nearly every day. If you haven’t checked it out already, go to our extensive Gay Games photo galleries.

Below are some of my favorite images of the Games, for various reasons. There is the young champion runner posing with his two daughters, a relay team that strikes the Usain Bolt pose, a sprinter who received his gold medal clad in a towel, my great friend David Kopay, a bodybuilder as The Thinker, scenes from the Opening Ceremonies and more.

The variety of athletes and sports makes the Gay Games my favorite event to cover. In addition to articles and videos, Cyd and I shot more than 500 photos, and we are adding some nearly every day. If you haven’t checked it out already, go to our extensive Gay Games photo galleries.

Below are some of my favorite images of the Games, for various reasons. There is the young champion runner posing with his two daughters, a relay team that strikes the Usain Bolt pose, a sprinter who received his gold medal clad in a towel, my great friend David Kopay, a bodybuilder as The Thinker, scenes from the Opening Ceremonies and more.

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