Gotta love The Onion:

Across the NFL, gay players are shaking off the rust of a long offseason, contending with the rigors of learning the playbook, and competing with their teammates—some of whom are younger, some of whom are stronger, some of whom are also gay—for a spot on a 53-man roster.

Gotta love The Onion:

Across the NFL, gay players are shaking off the rust of a long offseason, contending with the rigors of learning the playbook, and competing with their teammates—some of whom are younger, some of whom are stronger, some of whom are also gay—for a spot on a 53-man roster.

For the past several weeks, they have been practicing, showering, watching videotape, eating, and sitting in the trainer’s hot tub alongside straight players. While many have formed close friendships in that time, every closeted gay player realizes as much as every openly straight player that the team doesn’t have enough positions for all of them.

They’re actually reporting on the issue more honestly than most in the “mainstream” media.